Councilman Kevin Flynn

Councilwoman Jamie Torres

Councilwoman Amanda Sandoval

Councilwoman Kendra Black

Coors Hispanic Employees Network

EXCEL Energy

Aquiles Marcano & Gabby Wulf

Kounalis Family

Denver Firefighters 858


Michael & Kaylen Coe

Alexandria Melisaratos

Carla Graeber

Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos

Caterina Derr Papadimitropoulos

Marco Abarca, Ready Foods

Pepsi Cola Company

Tom and Ronni Ricca

George & Elaine McCoy

Paul & Paula Hill

Houghtaling Family

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!

Miller Coors Brewing Company

Rod Tafoya

Wal-mart/Sam's Club

Brian Jones

William Roberts

Kathy Miks

Courtney Sturguess

Randy Dahlberg

And many others too numerous to mention. For a list of previous sponsors by year, please click the link below!

Sam Sandos Christmas Basket Program

  "Serving those who would otherwise not be served"