Sam Sandos Christmas Basket Program

  "Serving those who would otherwise not be served"

About Sam Sandos Christmas Baskets

This historic program began thirty nine years ago by my father, Councilman Sam Sandos and has been continued by his successors, Councilwomen Ramona Martinez, Rosemary Rodriguez and current Councilman Paul D. Lopez   This year we will continue to include Council Districts 1, 2, 3 and 9, and Jefferson County helping families in the entire West and North Denver communities!  The program is important because for some families, the Christmas basket is the only holiday gift they receive.

Will you review your budget and consider a tax-deductible donation to purchase turkeys, fresh vegetables and canned goods for needy families?  

Please make your check payable to:

Sam Sandos Christmas Baskets

Federal Tax ID No. 20-171-2387

P.O. Box 370945

Denver, CO  80237-0945

We rely on donations in order to make this possible year after year, and we thank you for all of your support in advance!